Cloud Caption

Custom cloud solutions.

The Atomic Cloud is exactly what IT needs and nothing they don't. Plus it's hosted and supported right here in Minnesota.

When it comes to cloud, one size does not fit all. Your cloud strategy depends on dozens of factors, each unique to your organization and industry. With private, dedicated, and hybrid flavors, you can secure, scale, and manage your infrastructure servers in a custom-tailored, SOC 2 Type II attested, enterprise-grade environment.

(Looking for a VMware white label solution? Read on for more details.)

Private Cloud

The Atomic Private Cloud
More Control, Less Time on Hold

The public cloud isn’t for everyone. For healthcare providers, financial services, legal professionals, fellow MSPs, and others that demand higher degrees of control and transparency, The Atomic Cloud is the solution. Highly secure, highly available, and backed by always live, always local support, The Atomic Cloud is a SOC 2 Type II attested IaaS and PaaS solution that you can trust.


  • Powered by Cloud Director®: A software-defined Cloud Verified private cloud built entirely on VMware’s cloud technology platform, including vSphere, Cloud Director, NSX, and others. Provides clients with potentially reduced storage costs, hourly utilization billing, and self-management capabilities.

ResourcesImage Info Sheet: Atomic Cloud Solutions Overview

ResourcesImage Info Sheet: Atomic Cloud powered by Cloud Director

URL or LinkLink: Atomic Data’s VMware White Label Solution


Public Cloud

Public Cloud, Local Management

In today’s multicloud world, most businesses rely on a mixture of public, private, and hybrid computing resources. With the increasing diversity in providers comes a growing burden for your IT team. Maintaining the in-house expertise you need to properly migrate, right-size, optimize, and manage your virtual workloads across multiple clouds is a battle most would rather not fight. Atomic Data provides the deep bench of engineering expertise you need for your AWS®, Azure®, Google® and SaaS workloads.


Multicloud Icon
Strategize your digital transformation

There’s a reason why so many businesses categorize their cloud strategy as ‘multi-cloud’. Avoiding vendor lock-in, reducing latency, varying resource costs, compliance requirements, redundancy, or even shadow-IT drive enterprise toward a variety of private, public, colocated, IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS providers.

Strategy, management, security, and optimization become increasingly complex in the multi-cloud world. We’ll help you:


  • Comply with regulations and governance
  • Plan for growth, consolidation, disruption
  • Migrate and optimize your cloud workloads
  • Modernize applications and infrastructure
  • Understand, rightsize, and manage your cloud spend

Hybrid Cloud

Hybrid Cloud Icon
The Best of Both

Create the best of both worlds with a hybrid Atomic Cloud solution. Combining the secure, local, controllable nature of the private Azure Stack-powered Atomic Cloud with the scalability, administration, and consistent services of the public Azure cloud.


A true hybrid solution with native interconnectivity, The Atomic Hybrid Cloud is a combination of and connection between private Azure Stack and public Azure cloud resources. It’s built on the Cisco Integrated System for Azure Stack, a pre-built hardware and software appliance.



ResourcesImage Info Sheet: Atomic Cloud powered by Azure Stack

Get in touch with us and let’s talk about how we can partner together.